What Does Menopause Mean? A Conversation That Opened My Eyes 

The Unexpected Connection 

It was during a casual chat with a friend when the subject of menopause unexpectedly surfaced. We were reminiscing about childhood memories, growing older, and the various stages of life. Somehow, the conversation meandered to the topic of women's health and menopause. That's when my friend's eyes filled with confusion, and she exclaimed, "What do you mean it's only one day? I've been dealing with this for years!" 

Her words struck me. As a functional health practitioner, I understood her frustration, and I knew this was an opportunity to provide both clarity and empathy. 

The Misunderstanding 

My friend's bewildered reaction made me realize that many of us may have misconceptions about what menopause means. The symptoms, the journey, the entire experience—it's a multifaceted process, and the term "menopause" doesn't capture the whole story. 

The Explanation: Menopause as a Milestone 

I took a moment to explain, "Menopause is indeed defined as a single day, but the experience surrounding it spans years. Let's break it down." 

Pre-Menopause: The Prelude 

Pre-menopause, or perimenopause, is the transition phase leading up to menopause itself. Symptoms can include: 

  • Irregular Periods: Cycles become unpredictable. 

  • Hot Flashes: Sudden and sometimes intense. 

  • Mood Changes: Emotional ups and downs without warning. 

  • Sleep Difficulties: Restful nights become rare. 

The Day of Menopause: A Marker 

Menopause marks the day when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. It's a significant point, a marker in time, but not the entire story. 

Post-Menopause: A Continued Journey 

Post-menopause is the time after that milestone, when some symptoms may continue, others fade, and new aspects of health and wellness come into focus. 

A Conversation That Matters 

My friend's confusion gave way to understanding as we delved into these details. Our chat became more than just a casual conversation; it was a connection, an exploration of what menopause truly entails. 

An Invitation to Talk 

Understanding menopause isn't solely about medical definitions. It's about empathy, dialogue, and shared experiences. 

Don't hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know is navigating this intricate journey. Whether with friends, family, or a functional health practitioner like myself, a simple chat can make all the difference. 

Remember, if you ever wonder, "What do you mean it's only one day?" you're not alone. Menopause is a rich, multifaceted narrative that continues to unfold. 


Carolyn is passionate about functional health, driven by a deep curiosity for human anatomy and physiology. She is committed to achieving a long health span, not just a long lifespan, so she shares knowledge and experiences to help others become their optimal selves. With a focus on individualized care, Carolyn seeks to empower people to take charge of their well-being and embark on a journey toward optimal health.


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