Pickleball Score Amnesia: Is It a Hormone Thing?

I want to shed some light on an intriguing and highly relevant topic. Have you ever been amid an intense pickleball game and suddenly found yourself unable to recall the score? You're certainly not alone. What if I told you there's an interesting connection to hormones? Yes, you heard right! Hormones." 

Menopause can sometimes feel like an unpredictable pickleball match. One moment you're serving aces, and the next, you can't even remember the score. What's happening here? And why does it seem to affect us women so uniquely? 

Well, menopause is a time of significant hormonal changes in our bodies. Our ovaries, consistently producing hormones like estrogen and progesterone, start winding down their operations, leading to some interesting (and sometimes frustrating) effects. 

Let's break down some of these menopausal changes, pickleball-style: 

  • Memory Problems: Forgetting the score during a pickleball game. Hormonal changes can lead to some memory glitches. 

  • Hot Flashes: These are like a sudden, intense volley in pickleball. Our body's thermostat gets confused due to decreasing estrogen levels, leading to these sudden flushes of heat. 

  • Night Sweats: Like playing a challenging match under the hot sun. Like hot flashes, they occur due to hormonal fluctuations but strike at night. 

  • Sleep Disturbances: Fluctuating hormones and night sweats can disrupt our sleep cycle, much like when your pickleball rhythm is just off. 

  • Mood Changes: Changes in hormones can affect our brain chemistry, leading to mood swings. It's like when the ball doesn't seem to go where you want it in a pickleball game. 

  • Vaginal Dryness: As estrogen levels drop, it can lead to less lubrication, much like a stiff pickleball paddle grip. 

  • Weight Gain: Hormonal changes can alter how our body stores fat, often leading to weight gain around the abdomen. It's like playing pickleball with a heavy backpack. 

  • Decreased Libido: Our drive to play the game of life (and love) can wane, much like a slow day on the pickleball court. 

  • Irregular Periods: As our ovaries wind down their reproductive role, periods can become less regular before they stop. It's like an unpredictable pickleball game. 

Phew! That's a lot. We're not just here to chat about the challenges. Let's talk about solutions and strategies. Let's handle menopause the way we'd handle a pickleball match, with focus, strategy, and a little bit of fun: 

  • Volley Your Nutritional Intake: A balanced diet can help manage menopausal symptoms, much like the right equipment can improve your game. 

  • Smash the Calcium and Vitamin D: Fortify your body with these bone-loving nutrients, akin to your power shots in pickleball. 

  • Dink the Water: Regular hydration is vital, especially after night sweats. 

  • Move: Regular exercise helps manage weight, lifts mood, and improves overall health, just like a good game of pickleball. 

  • Slice the Junk: Clear out junk food from your diet, much like a well-placed slice shot in pickleball. 

  • Lob in the Fiber: Just as a well-placed lob can provide a strategic advantage in pickleball, adding fiber-rich foods to your diet gives your digestive system the upper hand, keeping everything moving smoothly. 

  • Rally with Omega-3s: Like a brilliant pickleball rally, manage menopause symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings with omega-3 fatty acids. 

  • Drop Shot Stress: Like a perfectly timed drop shot in pickleball can take your opponent by surprise and change the pace of the game, introducing stress-busting activities into your daily routine. Things like yoga, meditation, or even a stroll can help you manage stress effectively, changing the pace of your day for the better. 

  • Serve Enough Sleep: Prioritize sleep like a good serve in a pickleball match. 

Just as no one becomes a pickleball pro overnight, navigating menopause is a journey. It's okay to seek guidance - reach out to a functional health practitioner who can act as your trusted doubles partner throughout this transition. 

Oh, and if you've never tried pickleball, I'm always up for a game. Understanding menopause, like learning pickleball, is easier (and more fun) when we do it together. 

Game on! 


What Does Menopause Mean? A Conversation That Opened My Eyes