The Satori Experience

You are in a partnership with a Certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner—an educated and caring partner who will offer specific solutions and uncover underlying imbalances. We’ll identify and work to shift the terrain where symptoms originate, addressing the root causes. With me by your side, feeling better isn't just a goal—it will become your new normal.

What is Functional Nutrition?

Why Functional Nutrition?

Approximately 95% of what we do is unconscious and done out of habit. This includes much of our morning routine, actions we take at work, nighttime rituals, and decisions related to what we do during our free time.

Do you know what else is a habit? Eating, screen time, thought patterns, exercise, or lack thereof.

What Functional Nutrition is not...

A bandage, quick fix, or temporary relief to a short-term solution. Many of us are used to seeing a doctor once a year for 10 minutes. Our bodies are complex systems, and you deserve more time, more attention and a detailed personalized plan with a partner who can explain the impact (often subtle) daily habits & food has on your body.

A bio-individualized way to feel better.

Functional Nutrition addresses the root cause of a person’s discomfort or disease. It addresses symptoms by looking beyond the presenting problems to the underlying cause.

  • We can shift the terrain.

  • Your genes are not your destiny.

  • Being pre-dispositioned does not mean you’re pre-destined.

Our bodies are constantly working to stay balanced. Still, many of us are under a consistent level of stress, which hampers the ability of our internal systems to do their job properly. Compounded by highly processed and sugar-filled food, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and environmental toxins, our bodies are compromised, and over time, this lifestyle may lead to discomfort, pain, and potential chronic disease.

Health Activation

Bright floral arrangement set on stone background

Creating a plan that works for you

Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to improve your health and longevity.